
January 26, 2008 5:30 PM
Ali's rehearsal dinner, Sept. 2006</p>
Ali's rehearsal dinner, Sept. 2006

There is lots of news to be shared. Zach is on his second week of a full dose of Ambien and the medicine seems to be helping his rigidness. His jaw has not locked since the Ambien and his joints are much more fluid. Neurologically, Zach is still the same. Zach has gained so much weight. On Jan. 8, he weighed 121 lbs and the last time they weighed him, he was 106 lbs. Huge improvement from the 98 lbs he weighed in October when he returned to Hopkins. Zach does seem more alert. One time when I was visiting, I was standing to his left and talking to him about random stuff. Then his doctor came in and I wanted to talk to the doctor privately and we spoke by the door, which is to Zach's far right. My friend who was with me said that although Zach was turned to his left, he kept gazing to his right since that was where my voice was. He was focused on my voice. We'll see what happens. One day at a time. Thank you again for everyone's thoughts and prayers, even after 8 months of this nightmare. Thank you for not forgetting about us and for continuing to support us.

We have two fundraisers planned. We want to do another Neighbors Night Out (NNO) in Baltimore during the weekend of March 8th, which also happens to be my birthday weekend. This time, we're asking for a percentage of total sales for the whole day. Do you think it would work? Do you think we can do a Saturday this time? If you know of a restaurant that wants to participate or have any thoughts, please email me via the 'email us' link. We also want to do a silent auction on around June 1, 2008, the anniversary of Zach's attack. This event will be formal and the proceeds will be split with the Johns Hopkin Neuro Critical Care Unit, who went above and beyond to take care of Zach and the Guardian Angels, who are resurfacing in Baltimore. More about the Neighbors Night Out and the Silent Auction/Dance for Zach will be posted as we finalize details. Again, please email me if you can help find restaurants to participate in the next NNO and vendors who are wiling to donate for the silent auction.

We have also made some progress on the political/awareness front. We have an idea. We want to get 25 black leaders in business, politics, entertainment, education, etc, to join together and publicly condemn the Stop Snitching culture. This is of course a very difficult task. We me with Congressman Cummings who said he was on board and then we got a call from his assistant saying they are only on board if we (my two friends who help me with all of this) formally become an organization. I emailed Congressman Cummings to see if this was indeed true. I recently got a reply from his assistant telling me to team up with the NAACP and form an organization (i think). I wrote back to tell them I am already working witih the NAACP and why do I need to form an organization to have the congressman help us. We'll see what happens. I also have a meeting with Ms. Patrica Jessamy, Baltimore City States Attorney. I've emailed Doc Cheatham of the NAACP who is on board and provided us some contacts who can help with this initiative. I also attended a Victims Rights & Compliance conference, the first of its kind in Maryland where I met with Governor OMalley and his Executive Director of Crime Control and Prevention, who has been very helpful and wants to help us with legislative issues. The conference was amazing. I met so many key people in the Victims Rights field. I even met Roberta Roper, who is a legend in terms of Victims' Rights. She created the Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center. So, things are cooking. I could go on but I then this update will turn into a book. So please still stay tuned and again, THANK YOU for every little bit that you've done to help Zach and me.

February 10, 2008 6:00 PM
Group of friends at the first NNO event.</p>
Group of friends at the first NNO event.

Unfortunately there isn't much to report on Zach's condition. He's doing the same. He's healthy and still being very well taken care of by the docs, nurses and aids. There is, however, much to report on the two fundraisers we have planned. Mark your calendars everyone because we having a Neighbors' Night Out 2 on Sunday, March 9. We are doing Sunday again b/c it's easier for the restaurants/bars and I'm happy to do what they suggest since they are kindly donating the money. We already have a bunch of sponsors for Neighbors Night Out 2 so check the Neighbors Night Out page for the growing list of participants. If you know of a restaurant/bar/store that wants to participate, please email me and we'll add them to the list. This time, we are asking for 10-20% of total sales from the entire day so feel free to come out and show this City that we're still standing together against crime at any time on Sunday, March 9. We have to make the second event just as great as the first!!

Also, to honor the first anniversary of Zach’s attack, we will celebrate hope, help and healing with a very special event, 'Give Back For Zach,' to be held on Sunday, June 8 at Johns Hopkins. The event will remind us that no one is safe from crime, that doctors and nurses work tirelessly to help crime victims and that volunteers DO make a difference in improving our city streets. A large portion of the money raised will go to a newly created Zach Sowers Brain Trauma Research Fund at Johns Hopkins' Neuro Critical Care Unit (NCCU). Thanks to the NCCU, Zach's life was saved the night of June 1 and we'd like to do something to give back to Hopkins and to the community. This fund will provide money for research of new therapies to help all who have suffered life-altering brain trauma injuries as well as provide patient education so that families and loved ones can understand the complexities associated with brain trauma. To give back to the community, a portion of the money raised that night will also be donated to the Baltimore Guardian Angels. The Guardian Angels organizes volunteers who provide public safety and education in neighborhoods, schools and cyberspace. The organization believes everyone has the right to be safe and is bringing its message to Baltimore with a newly established chapter. Become an Angel or find out more at www.baltimoreguardianangels.org.

Mark your calendars, please! If you know of a vendor who wants to participate in Neighbors Night Out 2, please email me and we'll add you to the list. If you're a vendor who can provide an auction item, food/catering, wine/beverages, or flowers/decor for Give Back for Zach, please email me and we can discuss further.

Also, on a much different note, Gregory Kane wrote about our 25 black leaders against stop snitching idea in Wednesday's Baltimore Sun, read it here

February 19, 2008 10:15 PM
Sunday, March 9th, 2008</p>
Sunday, March 9th, 2008

Neighbors' Night Out 2 is a bold statement against crime. On Sunday, March 9, 2008, in honor of Zach, neighbors across Baltimore will meet at select bars and restaurants to drink, dine and send the message that we stand together against violence. 10-20% of that evening’s sales will go toward the cost of Zach's lengthy hospitalization.

Let's make the second event just as great as the first!!

See a list of participating locations »

February 28, 2008 10:45 AM

Zach is still exactly the same, which is actually not good news since we want him to improve neurologically. The doctors are saying that his prognosis is the same as it's been from the beginning, which is not optimistic. We are definitely worried that there has been no change but we can only wait and see. We take things day by day. It's crazy to think that we've battled this 'day by day' for almost 9 months now. The trial is over, the defendants are in prison, and Zach is still in the hospital. I hope that from this, you learn to live life b/c it can be taken from you in an instant. Don't sweat the small stuff. Learn to enjoy the time you have, and do what it is you've always wanted to do in life. If lack of money is the reason you can't do something, than save up and enjoy what it is that you have plenty of. No excuses. That's it for my cheesy words of wisdom for the day.

Anyway, in addition to the two fundraisers, Neighbors Night Out 2 and the benefit in June, we are working on a 'Zach's Law' and will be sending it to my state delegate soon. Zach's law entails changes to current legislation regarding issues such as stricter juvenile charges, bail bond laws, jury bias, etc. Once finalized, I hope to share the requested legislation changes on this site. We met with States Attorney Pat Jessamy last week to see how we could work together and although there aren't any concrete plans right now, the door is open for both parties to share thoughts and ideas.

So, there isn't much to update on except that Neighbors Night Out 2 (NNO2) is coming up. We only have a short list of participants this time but hopefully the list will continue to grow. NNO2 will be an all-day affair on Sunday, March 9, also known as my 28th birthday:) Participants are donating 10-20% of their total sales from the whole day so eat and drink up.

Thanks again for your continued support and a big thank you to the stores and restaurants for participating in NNO2!!!

March 6, 2008 11:30 AM
NNO in Frederick, hanging with good friends.</p>
NNO in Frederick, hanging with good friends.

There are new participants added to the list of Neighbors' Night Out 2 venues. Check out the growing list here. Also, remember to wear your t-shirts!! For those that are asking about my whereabouts that day, I am starting out at Regi's for brunch and then celebrating my 28th birthday this Sunday with a very unformal bar crawl to all of the sponsors in Federal Hill, Fells and Canton. I'd like to visit and thank as many places as possible so I'll be hopping around, all over town.

Thank you in advance to everyone I see out that day. And remember, this time, it's an all day affair, so stop by any of the places any time. They are all donating a percentage of total SALES, not just profit.

Much love and many thanks,

March 18, 2008 11:55 AM

Neighbors' Night Out 2 last Sunday was another success. Thank you to all the bars, restaurants and patrons who participated. I had a great time hanging out with friends and meeting supporters all over town. It was definitely amazing to be out supporting Zach while also celebrating my birthday with friends, family and the whole city.

I had planned to make it to as many sponsors as possible but got sidetracked with all of the celebrations. So even though I didn't hit each store/bar/restaurant, I am still VERY appreciative for everyone's support.

We still need to collect the donations and as soon as that is totaled, we'll post it on the website.

Thank you again for your love and support!

March 26, 2008 1:30 PM

Dear Friends and Family,

It is with great sadness that I write to tell you that my close and wonderful friend, Zach Sowers, passed away yesterday, Tuesday, March 25, after a long and steady decline. Anna called me today to tell me that he passed away peacefully around 10 p.m. last night. Zach is now at peace after a long and treacherous battle. He was so strong and fought until the very end but it provides comfort for us all to know that he is now in heaven, watching over his friends and family.

Anna has told me that she and the family are doing as well as can be. They have a strong network of friends and family supporting them and ask that their privacy be respected during this difficult time.

Memorial services will be held in Frederick, MD on Thursday, March 27, 2-4pm and 6-7pm, at Stauffer Funeral Homes.

Stauffer Funeral Homes
1621 Opposumtown Pike
Frederick, MD 21702

Funeral services are planned for Saturday, March 29 at Wellman Funeral Home in Circleville, OH, which is where Zach was born and raised for 8 years.

Wellman Funeral Home
1455 N. Court Street
Circleville, Ohio 43113
(614) 474-7523

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that contributions be sent to the Zach Sowers Support Fund, which will be used for The Zach Sowers Brain Trauma Research Fund at Johns Hopkins and/or continuing legislative efforts for Zach's Law. Contributions can be mailed to

Frederick County Bank
30 West Patrick Street
Frederick, MD 21701
Contact Person: Lori Cromwell at Frederick County Bank

Because this is a very private and difficult time for all of us, I'm asking everyone to please respect the privacy and desire for seclusion for Zach & Anna's family and friends at this time.

We miss you Zach.

-- Justin

March 31, 2008 4:30 PM

Sonar in downtown Baltimore (407 E. Saratoga St) has graciously reserved the lounge area to friend, family & supporters for Zach Sowers on Wednesday April 2nd from 7pm to close. They are providing turntables which will be manned by some of Zach’s closest DJing friends.

This is not a fundraising event, but simply a celebration for Zach’s life by enjoying everything he loved: Anna, music, and a good drink/micro beer. If you have been touched by Zach’s life in some way, especially over the past 10 months, please join us Wednesday at Sonar for a night of fun, friendship & celebration. Come by to say hello to Anna, even if you've never met either of them…you’re well wishes and prayers meant more than you know. We hope to see you there!

April 7, 2008 10:40 AM

Here is a message from my good friend Adam Herson (also known as the human megaphone in some circles):

'This Saturday, April 12 the band 3 Fifths will be hosting a benefit concert in honor of our friend Zach Sowers. 100% of all gate receipts will go to Anna to help with medical bills and other miscellaneous expenses. Any additional donations will be collected and held at the gate, and are very much appreciated.

The show will take place at the 8x10 Club at 10 East Cross Street in Federal Hill. The 8x10 is located directly next to the Cross Street Market with a secured parking garage located just two blocks away.

Doors open at 8pm, with half price drinks being served until 9:30. The Meathooks will open the show at approximately 9:30. More information can be found at the 3 Fifth's website at www.myspace.com/3fifths and/or www.the8x10.com.

Many thanks for your continued support. Hope to see you at the show this Saturday.'

--Adam Herson

April 14, 2008 11:15 PM

For anyone wondering if the four guys who participated in the attack against Zach can now be charged with murder since Zach has passed, the answer is “NO.” This was part of the plea agreement, and this is partly why I was so frustrated with the case. Yet Zach's death has now been added to Baltimore City's murder rate for 2008.

This city scares me to death. If I could, I would move away tomorrow. That is the truth. But I have responsibilities and moving tomorrow isn't an option. At least not yet.

I truly don't feel safe anywhere. If anything, it feels like Baltimore is becoming more dangerous, regardless of what the statistics show.

Many of you have probably already heard about the recent crime incidents in Canton. They include a mugging on the corner of 800 S. Streeper St. near Fait at 8 p.m. on Monday night 4/7. The young lady threw her purse and the thugs still hit her in her face. She was lucky enough to have another neighbor help her, and she’s okay after being treated at the hospital.

The Shell gas station on Luzerne & Fleet was robbed Tuesday morning 4/8 around 8-ish. Another incident happened around Eastern and East, where an elderly woman was mugged. I'm no politician, but whatever plan Sheila Dixon and crew has in place to protect the citizens of Baltimore doesn't seem to be working, at least not in my eyes.

So does Baltimore City equal Murder and Crime or does it equal Charm City? The answer is quite clear for me. It's hard to 'believe' in Baltimore when all you hear about is friends getting robbed, beaten or murdered while minding their own business. It’s hard to “believe” in Baltimore when you fear for your own life because you have to walk a few blocks to your house at 10 p.m. because there were no closer parking spots.

I’m just an average girl, now turned widow, but it seems evident that the person in charge of this city needs to do more. And that person is Sheila Dixon…. WHAT’S THE PLAN?

Anyway, Major Bergeron of the SE Police District will be holding a meeting regarding the current issues in Canton at the SED roll call room on Tuesday, April 15, at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in attending will have a chance to talk with the police about issues in their community. The address is 5710 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore 21224 (410-396-2422). Parking is available behind the building. Enter through the rear of the building. Upon entry, turn left directly to the roll call room.

Also, my friend Kendall Ludwig made a banner for the Urban Forest Project in Zach's honor. It's now up on Harford Rd, near 33rd street. She wants people to know that her banner was only made because of Zach, her inspiration to get the word out about the murder rate in this city.http://bmore-urbanforestproject.org/banners/ludwig-kendall.php

***On a lighter note, I want to thank the band 3 Fifths for hosting a benefit concert this past Saturday in honor of Zach. Some of the guys associated with 3 Fifths were college friends of Zach. Great guys. Thank you SO much.

And I'd Iike to thank everyone for the cards, donations, flowers, etc. throughout this whole experience. I will never have the time to write that many thank you cards so I hope thanking you on Zach's site is enough. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

The amount of support I have felt from everyone is helping me get through each day.

Also, I am still working with Pazo and Hopkins on the June 8 fundraiser for the new Zach Sowers Brain Trauma Research Fund at Johns Hopkins. I am also trying to get myself back up for making Zach's Law a reality. Wish me luck on everything.